You guessed it - Cora's hair is falling out. Last night I thought she looked a little thin on one side of her head. I examined her crib, found no hair and decided I must be making it up. We were out for our evening stroll around the floor. Cora was relaxing in her little tykes riding car, feet up, fingering her curls. All of the sudden, she has a handful of hair in her hand. "MMAAA, hair!" Needless to say, it would have been priceless if it hadn't been so emotional. The look on her face when she had that handful of hair in her hand, was hysterical but I promptly started crying. I took the hair from her, did the Mommy "dust off", and started talking about the wall decorations. Cora forgot. I cried.
The nurses here are wonderful. One of them noticed me crying and without talking, took the hair from my outstretched hand. She said, I will meet you in your room. Together, (and without talking) we tied off the remaining curls and cut them off. Grace will be thrilled to hear Cora has a wedge haircut just like her big sister. I have Cora's curls and they will go in her baby book as her first haircut. Very emotional!
Cora has been really fussy today. I can tell the effects of chemo are kicking in. She wants to eat but has sores in her mouth. She is tired but not tired enough to sleep. She wants to be held but she wants to be left alone.
Please pray that the effects on Cora's body are minimal. We also need to add to our daily prayer, thoughts to keep the infections away. Her blood counts will be dropping, putting her at the highest risk of infection. As we start to track her counts, I will let you know. Counts are taken every day and will go up and then down. When they stabilize in 3-4 weeks, we know we are almost there.
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend. I can't wait to get outside with the big kids.
Be CORAgeous!
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