Saturday, November 12, 2011 5:57 PM, EST
written by Heather Dalik
It's all fun and games until someone gets..
It's all fun and games until someone gets sick! In a moment of serious uncertainty, I decided to take my inventory out to a show today. The ladies in charge of this show, work so hard to promote it so I knew it would be well attended (attendance = $$) I was seriously anxious and nervous about being away from home all day. I have to be away from Cora and nothing is going to go wrong - right? Then, the babysitter got a cold! So, late last night Jeff and I made a plan with him staying home part of the day. Rachel came this morning, then Jeff, then I ran home from the show so Jeff could go back to work.I had a mini meltdown on the way to the show, which I have grown used to. I just let it go and eventually the waterworks will stop. I got myself set up and started visiting with friends. It's just tough being the sick kid's Mom. Not a role I ever thought I would have. Anyway, I made it through the show with the help of a seriously loyal friend. Sales were great and I have only a few ponchos left! Yeah!!
I was privileged to spend a few hours last night with Sarah. Mostly, I talked and talked. Our experiences are so fresh and new. We talked about how it seems so unreal that this is our new life. Her harbor cruise was sold out and that money will help with her medical expenses.
Grace had her second sleepover! I only called once - everyone should be proud of me.
I may have forgotten to mention that this week we were cleared for a visit from the Grandparents. Jeff's parents will come and see the kids for the first time since July. Grace and Cora already have all the dolly's out to play with Grandma. Andrew got out his cars to play with Poppop. It is going to be a fun week!
Can you throw another prayer in there tonight? I know that Andrew is getting sick. He is tired, red cheeks, starting to cough, you know the drill. Please pray for him. Pray that if sickness hits our house, Cora can fight it off.
Be CORAgeous!
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