Sunday, January 8, 2012


Friday, December 23, 2011 10:47 AM, EST
written by Heather Dalik
Fact - cleaning up vomit at 1:00 in the morning does not give you character.

Fact - one or more children will be sick on Christmas day.

Fact - I am done with all this sickness.

Fact - Cora isn't sick and it looks like I will see my babies under the Christmas tree on Sunday. 

I was awakened at 1:00 in the morning to a sound I couldn't place.  It sounded like water hitting the floor.  I bolted out of bed (as fast as I could given that I have hurt my back carrying Cora).  My first thought was a pipe burst, second thought was - no way.  There was my sweet Grace in the hallway, all the contents of her stomach on the floor.  Grace seems fine today but a little sluggish.  This confirms that Cora's illness on Friday was not part of the reaction but a fast moving stomach bug. 

Andrew is still coughing but getting better.  I still have no voice.  The kids are peaceful and calm today.  We just have to get through the next two days without incident and our family will be together on Sunday.  Cora's counts were great yesterday at clinic.  All kids at clinic are given presents for the holiday.  Cora noticed the pillow pets first.  "Oh, dolphin".  If you know anything about my older two, you know they are in love with dolphins.  "Ace?", she asked.
"Do you want one for Ace and An?" 
Of course we brought home three dolphin pillow pets.  Cora gave them to "Ace" and "An" last night with a kiss.  They were thrilled.  As I write the dolphins are lined up on the sofa ready to watch a movie. 

Thank you to all the cancer Moms who said "I feel that same way about stores collecting donations".  I am so glad I am not the only one.  When I start my campaign to change the world, I will work on eliminating that trend. 

Please continue to pray for the health of our entire house. 

Be CORAgeous!

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