Thursday, July 19, 2012

765 retires

765 retires

Written Jun 1, 2012 6:16am by Heather Dalik
765-7055 retired today after 29 years and 10 months.  For all those years, I have dialed 765-7055 to talk to my Mom during the day.  Today, that number officially retired.  I still remember the day my Mom went back to work.  After a few months on the job, she allowed me to call her at work when I got home from school.  I was so nervous because the phone was so foreign.  Who knew where those numbers would take me?  Mom taught me to dial the number and polietly say "Could I please speak to Judy Thompson?"  This phrase followed me into my teen years where it became "Is Judy Thompson there?".  29 years and 10 months later I still dial             (410)765-7055       and say "Is Judy Thompson there?"  

When Cora got sick, my Mom's coworkers were the first ones there.  I have no idea how many Be CORAgeous braceletes are floating around Northrop.  The donations and meals that came from total strangers were overwhelming.  Really, they aren't total strangers though.  For 29 years they watched me and my siblings grow up, through pictures on Mom's desk and endless stories.  They felt the joy of our life accomplishments and shared the pain of sudden death and illness.  Mom's work friends are her other family. 

So, after 29 years and 10 months I say goodbye to             (410)765-7055      .  Goodbye to all the voices who answer her phone, who know me but I don't know them.  Thank you for 29 years of supporting our family!  

Oh and Denise, when I call next week, simply laugh your infectious laugh and tell me my Mom is in another building and I can reach her at her new number.  

Be CORAgeous!

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