Monday, September 12, 2011

Cruise with us!

I’ve gotten a lot of questions about why we are attempting to raise so much money. “Don’t you have health insurance?” I wanted to take a minute to explain the situation and yes, ask for your support one last time. As you may know, Jeff and I are small business owners. This means that, while we do have health insurance, it doesn’t have all the “bells and whistles” that a typical, corporate or county insurance has (sort of makes me wish I was still teaching!).  Getting affordable coverage is, quite frankly, one of the only downfalls of being a small business owner.  After adding up the facts with our case worker, we can expect $30,000 - $50,000 out of pocket costs. This will not include the transitional housing that we may have to go to which is not covered by insurance at all!    When you couple that with the fact that I am no longer able to work, and the fact that we have had to close the bike shop additional days so that I can see the big kids, it really becomes an overwhelming financial situation. 
Our yard sale was successful. Our bracelets flew off the shelves. We have had numerous generous donations. But we wanted to have one big event. An event that could raise a significant amount of money, be a fun night out with all our friends, and bring everyone together to celebrate the miracles that have transpired with Cora’s treatment. 

I had a friend of a friend contact me and offer to put together this event because she knew how to do it and felt compelled to help. She is one more angel in my growing list of godsends. I am very grateful to her because we certainly didn’t have the resources nor the connections to pull off such a great event.
The event is the Cruise for Cora.  A sunset cruise around the inner harbor, it will be really lovely. We will have a silent auction. We need help gathering silent auction items too – you can contact Kristin Mowry at 410-804-5171 if you have something to donate or want to join Team Cora in soliciting donations.  You can also post inquiries on Cora's facebook page and someone will get back to you.   

We are selling electronic tickets (we did this to cut down on the cost and time of printing physical tickets). Tickets can be purchased at: I am very excited for this cruise and I hope you all will be too. Oh, and not to worry, we promise to have another event centered around Cora's biggest supporters - the kids. 

I also wanted to let you know that Cora had another wonderful day with Daddy.  She was more tired today than yesterday and look a few naps, which is so unusual.  We are slowly seeing the effects of chemo creep in.  Jeff says her hair is falling out fast but she isn't bald yet. I am holding out hope that she keeps doing well so keep praying! 

Be CORAgeous!

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