Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Thank you!!

written by Heather Dalik
Thank you!!
Yeah!  We made it through the infusion without incident.  The morning started so hectic and bad.  I left the house late, left "baby" (Cora's blanket) at home and had to go back and get it, traffic, parked on the 6th floor, I was late, late, late.  I prayed the entire drive to Hopkins that all these morning inconveniences weren't a sign of what was to come.  Cora's infusion started around 10:30.  I knew that the last infusion went wrong on the third medication increase.  Cora chilled on benedryl and I made headbands to relieve anxiety.  After about two hours of Elmo, Cora was tired but wouldn't sleep.  Not a good recipe for a toddler.  I ended up holding her for the remainder of the infusion.  We got through the two final increases and we were done.  WOW!  This new medication is faster than the other one.  It is more concentrated so it goes in faster.  We were finished over an hour faster than another patient.  I am grateful for that hour.  By 1:30, we were on our way home.  

Tomorrow is routine 6 month, post transplant testing.  She has an Ecco and EKG at 9:00.  Please pray that she cooperates during those tests.  Cora has a history of not caring for these tests.  I will take our favorite Elmo dvd.  I am armed and ready for the technician who was so rude the last time.  She better not mess with the Momma bear! 

Thank you for praying with all your might today.  This is the power of prayer.  

Be CORAgeous!

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