Thursday, July 19, 2012

quite a week

quite a week

Written Jul 15, 2012 9:20pm by Heather Dalik
This is going to be quite a week.  Today, I did what I always do to clear my mind - I purged the house.  After spending several hours taking my anger out on the garden weeds, I started on the attic.  Our attic is where all the bugs go to die.  Oh, yeah that is also where the toys we aren't quite ready to part with are.  I sorted, cleaned, made piles, and threw away or donated bags and bags.  The two little kids kept out of my way, oblivious to my pain and anger.

Dear Grace kept one eye on what I was doing while she "played".  Maybe she was worried about me but she has the hoarder gene.  Every third item slotted to go out, came back in.  Quietly, and without words, she would leave her "play" (which was just a guise for "I am watching you") and retrieve the beloved item which no one has looked at in 6 months.

Getting rid of things clears my mind.  Many, many hours later our attic storage spaces and playroom are in order.  A garage sale date has been selected.  Thank you Sarah (and Jeff too because he allowed himself to be bossed around all day)

Tomorrow is Sarah's viewing and Tuesday is the funeral.  Ironic, that Cora has a clinic appointment at the same time as the funeral.  I will reschedule the clinic visit since Cora looks great.  This is a huge step for me because for the first time in nearly a year, I will not be putting Cora first.  

Tomorrow morning I have plans to head over to my "favorite" bank and pitch a royal one about the fact that my accounts are still frozen and I have no access to my money.  Someone isn't doing their job and I plan on fixing that.  So, if you hear a news report about a woman who took her three kids into a quiet bank and had a parade through the bank - it wasn't Grace on the drums, Andrew on the cymbals, and Cora on the harmonica.  My sister suggested that someone who would carry out a plan like this, might get arrested.  How about the irony in that?  

Be CORAgeous!

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